供应粘合剂福斯gleitmo SFL9065粘合剂

产品编号:22494017 修改时间:2020-04-16 17:01 访问统计:11次
所属公司: 深圳市旺润达商贸有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 齿轮油,液压油,润滑脂,压缩机油
联系人: 熊海生
联系电话: 18118756129
价格: 面议
起订: 1 1
供货总量: 6548 1
产地: 深圳其他润滑油(脂)
发货地址: 深圳市龙华大浪工业区B栋
供应粘合剂福斯gleitmo SFL9065粘合剂的详细介绍 相关文档: PDF DOC TXT

深圳市祥润通商贸有限公司批发进口润滑油)gleitmo SFL 9065 (Item No. 5365)
Heat curing PTFE solid film lubricant based on water
gleitmo SFL 9065 is a seleced combination of solid lubricants and organic binder in water.
After hardening gleitmo SFL 9065 forms an adhesive, oil and solvent resistant solid fil lubricant featuring a low coefficient of friction, high wear resistance and a good corrosion protection.
Fields of application
gleitmo SFL 9065 serves as lifetime lubrication of components wher high requirements have to be met in terms of wear resistance combined with a good corrosion protection. Furthermore gleitmo SFL 9065 can be used to coat mass parts (pins, screws/bolts, etc.) and thermally stable plastics.
Method of application
Degrease the components thoroughly prior to coating.
gleitmo SFL 9065 was designed for spray coating. gleitmo SFL 9065 is suitable for application using electrostatic spray application methods. It can however also be applied by dip spinning and/or drum coating equipment.
To increase its adhesion and thus the life of gleitmo SFL 9065 it is recommended to pre-treat metallic materials by phosphating or sand blasting.
Stir gleitmo SFL 9065 well before use.
Protect from freezing.
Shelf life: 12 months in original containers at ambient temperature.
temperature range: -180 / +250 °C
suPPOrts oil or grease lubrication
suitable for lifetime lubrication
good corrosion protection
forms a fast-drying, adhesive lubricating film
resistant to solvents, mineral oil, and synthetic fluids
resistant to pressure and abrasion
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